HVAC Equipment

Air Conditioning (AC) service and repair are essential services for businesses throughout Florida. At SSI Services, we are committed to maintaining our industry leadership by equipping our technicians with the expertise to diagnose and address issues efficiently during the initial service call. We cater to a diverse range of AC systems and applications.


HVAC, an acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, plays a pivotal role in ensuring a comfortable environment for both customers and staff within your facility. This system extends well beyond the basic function of cooling; it has a significant effect on controlling humidity, which contributes more to overall comfort than many may initially perceive. By efficiently managing these elements, the HVAC system enhances air quality and promotes a healthy, comfortable atmosphere essential for productivity and satisfaction.

Exhaust Systems and Make-up Air

Exhaust systems are critical in reducing pressure within your facility, especially in culinary environments such as the kitchen. These systems work by extracting air from cooking areas, helping to regulate temperature and manage the buildup of grease and odors. Correspondingly, make-up air, which enters the facility through natural building leaks and passive vents, plays a crucial role in maintaining an appropriate pressure balance. Ideally, you want to achieve a slight positive pressure, which is beneficial as it prevents the ingress of humid air when doors or windows are opened. This balance also aids in minimizing energy costs and boosting the efficiency of your entire HVAC system.


Boilers serve as the workhorses of many heating systems, functioning to heat water or generate steam that provides space heating or service water heating in a variety of buildings. Typically, commercial boilers are powered by natural gas-fired burners due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These systems are integral not only for delivering warm air in the colder months but also in providing hot water for everyday use, highlighting their versatility and importance in maintaining operational normalcy in many facilities.

Chiller Systems

Chiller systems are widely employed in large commercial and industrial environments, such as hospitals and hotels. These water-based chiller systems necessitate the expertise of skilled technicians due to their complex nature, which involves managing the process water side, refrigerant gas side, and intricate control systems. Furthermore, these systems frequently include elaborate cooling towers, which are crucial for effective operation. Our technicians are dedicated to ensuring clear communication and providing comprehensive education to customers, enabling them to thoroughly understand and effectively monitor their systems, thereby optimizing performance and ensuring reliability.

Duct System

The duct system forms a crucial network of tubes designed to distribute conditioned air throughout your facility, which is essential for effective heating or cooling. Inefficiencies in aging or poorly designed ductwork can lead to significant comfort issues, manifesting as uneven temperatures or increased energy consumption. These problems can often be addressed more cost-effectively than by opting to replace the entire air conditioning system. By focusing on enhancing ductwork, you improve air distribution and ensure a consistent, comfortable environment that meets the needs of all occupants.

Server Room Protection

In the contemporary tech-driven world, safeguarding server rooms has become a critical priority. These specialized spaces house not only servers but also essential telecommunications equipment like routers and modems, each generating significant amounts of heat. To prevent strain on this equipment, it is crucial to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. Moreover, the implementation of backup generators becomes vital during the summer months, particularly in areas susceptible to power outages. By planning for contingencies, businesses can avert potential downtime and maintain seamless operations, safeguarding their valuable digital assets and infrastructure.

No Substitute For Training & Experience.

SSI Services only hires technicians with vast amounts of experience on all different systems and applications. The same technician we send to a standard residential AC repair is the same technician we will send to a hospital chiller system.

Instant 15% Savings Now

Service Agreement customers save 15% on every call and face fewer AC replacements. Regular maintenance boosts efficiency, reduces breakdowns, and extends your system’s lifespan.

From the Owner

“We can never forget to look at this from the customer's perspective” - John Seppy

Server Room Warning

Don’t allow your servers and major IT equipment to be subject to damage and potential loss of integral company data. We custom design server rooms to be conditioned 24/7 even if the power goes out.

Done Right! Done Now!

We want you to be comfortable throughout your entire experience with us and we are available anytime to answer your questions. We offer same-day and emergency services to ensure we are available when you need us the most. Whether you're in need of assistance with commercial HVAC, refrigeration, cooking equipment, or electrical services, SSI Services is committed to getting the job done right and done now!